Saturday, January 2, 2016

I'm Here, I'm Here!

Don't you worry your sweet little hearts, loyal followers (i.e. Mom, Dad and the four other of you who check in on my blog), I'M STILL HERE!


I will be the first to admit, my blogging dropped off DRASTICALLY after my 12 Days of Carlee's Christmas concluded. There are a couple reasons for that. First, running and tracking all of those giveaways took a lot of time, energy and dedication (not to mention moola). Next, the hubby and I went back to Michigan to visit both of our families for the Christmas holiday. Finally, the hubster has been off work (his office physically closes between Christmas and New Year's... you couldn't work even if you wanted to). With that being said, I have spent my time with the ones I love rather than in front of my computer screen (YAY for me, BOO for you!).


I promise I will be back and better than ever once everything goes back to "normal" and I am able to get into a better routine. Until then, make sure to follow me on my social media accounts to stay up-to-date on all of my crazy adventures!

               Instagram: @CarleeMcDot
               Twitter: @CarleeMcDot
               Pinterest: @CarleeMcDot

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure there are more than 4 of us following you! but thanks for the update! I hope you enjoyed some time with your family!
