Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 6 of 12 Days of Carlee’s Christmas

Thanks so much for stopping by for the sixth day of my BIG giveaway! I am BEYOND BLESSED to work with some amazing companies who have offered up some of their awesome products. Not all of the giveaways are necessarily sponsored by the companies (meaning, some of the stuff I had at the house and wanted to spread the wealth), but even still, they are all companies I love and want to spread the word about.

Just a word of warning: Make sure to stop back daily as I will be having a new giveaway every day for the next SIX days and would hate for you to miss out on any of them. Also, some of the entries are available daily (ie tweeting about the specific giveaway, pinning a picture on Pinterest, etc), so if it is an item you are super stoked on, I’d recommend entering as many times as possible.

Day 6 - 2 Surprise 6-Packs of Sparkly Soul Headbands


If you know me, then you know I LOVE to sparkle! Sure, the most common color in my "normal" attire is probably heather gray, but even so, SPARKLING IS MY FAVORITE! And sparkling with a Sparkly Soul headband is DEFINITELY my jam! You see, I have some pretty cray-cray hair (I have to blow dry and straighten it daily or else it could probably end up with a bird in that rat nest on top of my head) and I am SUPER STOKED that I found a headband to help tame my mane!

And even though they help keep my fly-aways under control, they can't control my silly faces ;) [You can't expect miracles... it's only a headband for goodness' sake!]

But, I promise, they don't make you crazy... That, folks, you can blame thank my padres for ;). But, in all honesty, Sparkly Soul headbands are a MUST for me! At last count, I broke into the 40's (please, don't offer an intervention, I am totally aware it's an obsession, but I am 100% fine with it). They are non-slip, they fit every head size (and you know there are some weird ones out there ;)), won't give you a headache, come in a billion and a half of colors/ patterns, and has a mission to celebrate people who find their strength and soul while pushing themselves to their limits (I mean, what's not to love?!).

And the AMAZING ladies of Sparkly Soul are offering up a surprise SIX pack of headbands to TWO lucky folks! Pretty fan-freakin'-tastic if you ask me! You can keep them all for yourself or share some of your winnings with a friend (cough cough, wink wink... ME!). I've heard THE BEST WAY TO SPREAD HOLIDAY CHEER IS SHARING SPARKLY SOUL WITH FRIENDS FAR AND NEAR!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
HUGE thanks to Sparkly Soul for sponsoring this giveaway and supplying the prizes! PS If you don't already follow them on social media, you need to because there are always AMAZING giveaways and specials that you do NOT want to miss out on!

As with all of these giveaways, they will run for seven days. The winners will be selected on the eighth day. This one will run through December 12th at 11:59pm. The giveaway is open to US residents only. The winners will be contacted via the email address associated with their Rafflecopter account and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.

Enter early and often; some of the options can be done DAILY
Best of luck to everyone who enters! 


  1. I LOVE sparkling too!!! My favorite time to wear sparkle is at work, it adds extra flair to the boring business office :)

  2. I love sparkly soul headbands! I wear at least one a day!

  3. These are so great for keeping my bangs out of my face!

  4. I LOVE to rock a headband when I work out! I like Sweaty Bands and Sparkly Soul bands!

  5. I rock either a bandana or one of these headbands!! I nlynhave 6, but could probably have 100 if I let myself. I LOVE the new ones with the little bows, so super cute!!

  6. I just discovered these at the Rock N Roll Vegas expo and now I'm obsessed! I bought two there, but now I need ALL of them! I have been wearing Sweaty Bands but have noticed that they stretch out a big and some are now too big!!

  7. I love sparkly soul! My favorite headbands to run in!

  8. I love sparkly soul! My favorite headbands to run in!

  9. I live for Sparkly Soul! I've only been wearing them for a little over a year, but I can count on one hand the number of days since I got my first one that I haven't worn one! I have 20 right now, and more on my wish list daily! They're the best for running, coaching, or just lazy Sunday coaching!

  10. I haven't tried sparkly soul but would love to!

  11. I'm a headband gal! I'm not picky :)

  12. I wear Sparkly Soul each and every day! I will pair the with a Sparkle Athletic visor when super bright out... or it goes with my costume! ;)

  13. I've been wanting to try these so bad! I got my hair cut shorter and always have random hairs flying around :)

  14. Having a little sparkle in your life is necessary!

  15. Who doesn't love sparkly headbands?! 😊

  16. My two favorite things: sparkly, and headbands! Both come together in one?! NEED!

  17. I'm either wearing a homemade non-slip headband or a buff

  18. I LOVE wearing headbands when I run. I love Sweaty Bands, but I have never tried Sparkly Soul.

  19. Headbands are my jam! I have baby curls all around my hairline that can only be controlled by a headband.

  20. I always have to wear a headband while exercising! Cute ones are always a plus- they keep the hair out of my face while I look stylish!

  21. I have a few Sparkly Soul Headbands but would LOVE some more!!!! It's so fun to match them to my different outfits - and they are the only headband I've found that doesn't slip!!

  22. I have one clip to hold my bangs out of my eyes. I've tried some headbands in the past but they have always given me a headache! I'd love to try this brand!

  23. I'm totally a headband person. Hats and visors give me headaches, but I need something to hold my whispies back!

  24. Sparkly soul headbands are my absolute favorite. If I'm not wearing one, it's because it's raining and I have my headsweats hat on.

  25. I've tried a number of other headbands or visors and I keep coming back to sparkly soul headbands and and team sparkle visors. Why can I say, I love me some sparkle!!

  26. I love a good headband, but i do struggle to find one that works, so lately my go to has been a hat.

  27. Love sparkle! Have been dying to try these

  28. I rock either a bandana or one of these headbands!! I nlynhave 6, but could probably have 100 if I let myself. I LOVE the new ones with the little bows, so super cute!!

  29. I haven't found a headband that will stay on my head yet so i'd love to try them out! I have a headsweats visor that I use if needed. :)

  30. I just pull my hair back in a ponytail. Of course I will immediate hardly working out which I need to change. So a good headband would be great!

  31. I LOVE all my sparkly soul headbands after trying several brands these are the only ones that work for me :)

  32. Haven't tried the, but would love to. Everything always slips out!

  33. Love these headbands and thank you for turning me on to them. I rock one at every run and workout.

  34. Haven't tried the, but would love to. Everything always slips out!

  35. Headbands & Sparkly Soul are by far THE BEST!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!! xo

  36. Love, love, love my Sparkly Soul! Would love to win more...and I admit i do have a sparkle issue hee hee

  37. Haven't ever tried them, but would love too......the no headache sounds wonderful to me as I have been having some issues with that on long runs from my visor.

  38. Unless I need a hat, I always wear Sparkly Soul headbands

  39. I need these! I have a really small head and always have trouble finding headbands that stay on my head.

  40. Sparkly Soul headbands are my headwear go-to when running!

  41. Ohhh I'd love to know what colors are in the packs?!?!?

  42. I usually wear hats when running, I prefer Brooks. I can't usually wear headbands because they either slip off or cause headaches--which is why I'd LOVE to try Sparkly Soul!! :)

  43. I have always wanted one of these headbands for running. My very thick hair ca only be held back by few headbands and I think these ones will work great.

  44. I would love to try these! My headbands always slip off within the first mile of my runs :(

  45. I am obsessed with sparkly soul! If I have to a wear a visor when I run too.

  46. I usually just wear a headband. Bondi is my go to since I can't find any other that stay on.

  47. I'm a new fan of these headbands, they seriously don't move in my thick hair. Love them!

  48. If I had to select one it would have to be a headband.

  49. I just started wearing them and love them!

  50. I have never worn the much talked about Sparkly Soul, would love to try them!

  51. Haha Carlee love your silly faces never change :)

    Sparkly Soul Headbands are the best!!!

  52. I usually go for hats because I have not been able to find a good headband but this could be it!

  53. I love headbands! I normally have to use skinny ones because otherwise they slip off my head easily!

  54. I love Sparkly Soul headbands! You're right, they don't slip at all.

  55. I love headbands!! I haven't tried sparkly soul headbands yet. They are on my Christmas list!!!!

  56. I love to run in my sparkly soul head bands. Some days I need my nike visor.
    Sadie B.

  57. I wear sweaty bands when I run. Love them!

  58. I wear sweaty bands when I run. Love them!

  59. Visors for running, headbands for circuit training

  60. Hats in the rain or snow or to hide my gangly hair during a relay race. I'm a sweatfest so this head needs to breathe! I do like thick headbands that cover my ears during the winter. Maybe some sparkly soul headbands can tame my crazy hair.

  61. I prefer headbands when I workout. I really do not have a favorite brand and would love to finally try this brand out.

  62. LOVE Sparkly Soul! They are seriously the only headband that actually stays on my head! I hope a fellow ambassador is allowed to enter this giveaway! :)

  63. The same white hat that I have been wearing for over 4 years

  64. Head band when I am working out at the gym. Hat when I am running.

  65. I love love !! headbands. I have so many

  66. I generally wear either a headband that tends to slip off my head or a hat. Sparkly headbands would be fun to try!

  67. These are THE ONLY headbands that stay on my head (and I've tried dozens). I typically prefer headbands to anything else while running, although I do like my one headsweats visor (while is sparkly, too). Yesterday I started my long run in a headband since the sun was behind me and kept my visor in my nathan backpack and threw it on when I needed it later in the run. Worked perfectly!

  68. I'm totally a headband girl. Sparkly Soul are my favorite!!!

  69. I love Sparkly Soul headbands too!

  70. I LOVE my 2 Sparkly Soul reflective headbands! This would be awesome for the days that I don't need the reflective aspect!

  71. I tend to wear hats most often but I've always wanted to try Sparkly Soul headbands! What a great chance to try now!! Thank you😃

  72. I can't run with bangs bouncing on my head, so I always "steal"... borrow without asking :) My daughter's headbands. I'd share with her if I won :)

  73. This are so cute!! and expensive $$! I bought a cheap headband over the summer to keep the hair off my face, then lost it... haven't bought another yet. I like my winter hat to keep my hair off my face, but this are so cute!

  74. I love wearing headbands for my excessive fly aways! And why not sparkle :)

  75. Taryn @Eat Teach Run MxDecember 7, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    I already have the "Kicking Asphalt" tank, I think I need "Wake Up and Be Awesome" too :)

  76. My go-to is a headband and OF COURSE it's a Sparkly Soul! I don't have 40...yet! PS: I love your facial expressions in your pictures!

  77. I love my Sparkly Souls, from running to casual, they complete the look!

  78. Who couldn't use a little more sparkle in their life!

  79. Who couldn't use a little more sparkle in their life!

  80. I just got my first Sparkly Soul Band to wear next month for the WDW Marathon - love it!

  81. LOVE Sparkly Soul! What I wear depends on what time of day I run here in Texas. If the sun is high in the sky, then I have to wear a visor. Otherwise, I "feel cooler" (temperature wise) by wearing a headband to control my curly tresses. I have just a few Sparkly Soul headbands, and they are by far my favorites!

  82. Headbands are my favorite, unless it is raining then it's a hat!

  83. I like to wear headbands while running.

  84. Have not tried these, but would love to! I usually don't run with a headband. Thanks!

  85. Hats in summer and headbands in winter

  86. Your the sparkliest!! I love their headbands they are the best!

  87. My fav headwear would be my headsweats visor from Sparkle Athletic! I wear them almost every race!

  88. When I workout I put my hair up in a floppy bun and stretchy headband made of funky colours!!

  89. These are a must with my new short hair!

  90. When I workout I put my hair up in a floppy bun and stretchy headband made of funky colours!!

  91. I've been wanting to try these! I typically just wear a hat when running. I haven't found anything to tame my crazy hair!

  92. I always wear headbands when I run... and I love to sparkle too! So these are perfect in my book!

  93. You know I love my sparkly soul! But I'm good for a visor too! I hate full hats and rarely run with one.

  94. I love headbands (and visors). This brand is new to me and I am really loving these!

  95. I love running with headbands and have always wanted to try try this brand!!

  96. I love headbands...hats don't stay on.

  97. headbands are my fav for working out

  98. I use headbands for short runs and visors for long runs.

  99. I need a good headband because the ones I have now don't stay on and I have fine baby hair around my temples that always gets out of the headband. Recommendations?

  100. I'm addicted to Sparkly Soul, so those are usually my go-to for workouts...and any time!

  101. It depends on the day and what I'm doing, but I do love headbands! I've always wanted to try the Sparkly Soul brand...who doesn't love sparkle?! :)

  102. LOVE these headbands :) I'm itching for some purple ones

  103. A little sparkle during a run never hurt anyone :)

  104. Ponytail with a scrunchie :)

  105. Headbands are a must for me! and a strong ponytail holder ;)

  106. Love my Sparkly Soul headbands! They're perfect both for running and everyday wear

  107. Usually a hat or visor :) Gotta protect my face from the sun!

  108. I almost always wear a headband, and I add a baseball cap if it's sunny out.

  109. I've been dying to try these!!

  110. Sparkly Soul headbands are my favorite! I wear them for every workout, and most other times of the day. 😍

  111. I just recently found Sparkly Soul, but it was love at first fit! And who doesn't need more Sparkle in their lives?!?

  112. I love anything that sparkles!!! I usually wear headbands when I run or workout.

  113. I love Sparkly Soul headbands when I run and play soccer! They stay through it all!

  114. When I ride I wear Sparkly Soul and even during the day but when I run I tend to wear Sparkle Athletic visors to help keep the sun and sweat out of my eyes.

  115. Where have these been all of my life?!?! I need more!
