Sunday, November 29, 2015

Workout Recap - Week 48

Sunday, November 22nd – Travel Day

Monday, November 23rd – 3 mile (crazy) hike

Tuesday, November 24th –  2 mile muddy hike and 3 mile run with the hubby

Wednesday, November 25th – Rest Day

Thursday, November 26th –  McDot Turkey Trot 5K

Friday, November 27th –  Travel Day

Saturday, November 28th – Rest Day, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Let's just say, after months and months of scheduled workouts and just finishing up four races within three weekends, this was my RESET week. Yes, we were active. Yes, I hit my step count goal daily. Yes, we hiked around and saw parts of Hawaii that are off the beaten trail. But my running mileage suffered DRASTICALLY (like I only ran 6 MILES!).

I was originally planning on getting in a decent run on Saturday when we returned, but after getting home around 2am, watching the Michigan football game, putting up our Christmas decorations, vacuuming the house, doing five loads of laundry and working from 2-6pm, I was spent.

Now it's time to get my training plan together for the Los Angeles Marathon (I mean, we are less than 80 days away from the race!). {PS If you haven't registered yet and wanna run it, use code CARLEE16 to save $10 [good until the race sells out, but the sooner you register, the cheaper it is].}

How were your workouts this past week? 

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