Sunday, July 19, 2015

Workout Recap - Week 29

Sunday, July 12th – 8 mile run with the hubby, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, July 13th – 10 mile treadmill run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, July 14th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, July 15th –  10 mile progression run

Thursday, July 16th – 2.5 mile run before #BlogFest
Friday, July 17th – Kaia Konditioning & Core (45 minute workout), Gabby Reece's HITX workout (50 minutes), Zumba with Beto Perez (35 minute workout), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, July 18th – REST DAY, Foam Rolled & Stretched

On Saturday I was originally planning a 13 mile run. The issue was, when I woke up... I woke up to thunder and lightning, so the intelligent runner in me decided I would delay my run. Well, around 9am my best friend texted and said she needed help setting up a wedding (she's was coordinating one that afternoon and the rain had everyone freaking out so any additional assistance was not only appreciated, it was necessary)... With that being said, I cleared my schedule so hubby and I did 3+ hours of manual labor in the pouring rain.

How were your workouts this past week? 

1 comment:

  1. As I've written to you on Instagram 8I'm Doodlemarti there) I hit my first ever half marathon distance!! This was on Saturday ;) Then during last week I had a swimming session (2 km) and then a couple of runs (an 8k and a 10 k with reps). Am Roller every day, it helps a lot! My calves say "thanks" :)
