Monday, July 13, 2015

Weekend Review (Through Pictures & Videos)

Friday morning started off by me running 18 miles.

Then Friday evening the hubby and I met up with some friends for a local classic car show.

Mustangs are my FAVE!

On the way home we stopped by a couple stores to do a little shopping (he needed new shorts) and I found a couple cute tops.

Saturday morning we took Walt up to the school to let him run around and chase the crows.

Then it was a nice, relaxing Saturday morning drive and walk along the cliffs to watch the surfers.

Walt loves to FLY out the window...

I was pretty proud of my artsy shot ;)

And since it was 7/11, we hit up SIX of them within a span of less than an hour to collect our FREE SLURPEES! (Next time I will plan ahead and maybe change out of my PJ's and brush my hair before we go out for so many selfies...)

Stop One - Piña Colada for me and Sour Patch Watermelon for Ryan

Stop Two - Cherry for me and Solar Flare for Ryan

Stop Three - Cherry Limeade for me and Coke for Ryan

Don't mind if we do ;)

Some of our damage :)

Stop Four - Orange Creamsicle for me and Blue Rush for Ryan

Stop Five - Solar Flare for me and Banana for Ryan

Stop Six - Mango for me and Cherry Coke for Ryan

Ryan tried to do a panoramic pictures and still couldn't capture all the cups! 

I only filled my cups about half way and by the end I was
trying to give them to Walt to finish ;)

Mango might have been my favorite flavor

Talented wiener dog, eh? Drinks from a straw ;)

Since I take my rest days seriously I made sure we spent a couple hours at the pool before I had to work.

Before he cut his #LongHairDontCare

Sunday morning Ryan wanted to do a 8 mile run (his longest in a while), so we made our way down to Carlsbad to run the coast. The only issue was the Carlsbad Triathlon was going on so we were forced to change up our route a bit. (But I did love getting the chance to cheer on the athletes!)

Hubby ROCKED those miles (even if afterwards he needed to take a breather ;)).

I had to work for a few hours in the afternoon, so the boys maxed and relaxed while I was making the money.

What a RUFF life these guys have...

For Christmas, instead of getting our best friends' kids gifts, we decided to do "experiences". The youngest got a "Movie with the McDots" and finally cashed in on it... We took him to see the Minions Movie (complete with soda and the biggest popcorn one could find {which those two POLISHED OFF BEFORE THE PREVIEWS WERE DONE}... and then a McDonalds Happy Meal with a Minions toy in it for dinner on the way home).

It was a busy weekend, especially with having to work two shifts, but we made sure to enjoy it! And I also snuck in a couple extra Walt snuggles (doesn't he look thrilled?!).

What did YOU do this weekend?


  1. This weekend there was the local feast in town. They open the old barns, and they make arte exhibitions in them, plus, folk music, local food and beers....I went running on Saturday (20K! My longest run EVER!) and then after work I went to the feast. It was funny! :)

  2. OMG< you guys must have been on the biggest sugar high after all of those slurpies! That is hilarious! And as for the popcorn being gone before the movie even started? No doubt! Previews are like an hour long these days!! Looks like a great weekend!

  3. You had to be on a sugar high until Monday!
