Thursday, March 5, 2015

San Jose 408K Remote Runner Race Recap

What do you do the morning after a marathon? Some may sleep in, others go for a walk to loosen the tight muscles, most will be refueling, yet a select few RUN! I will give you ONE guess as to which category I fell into the morning after the Phoenix Marathon.

But first, let me take a selfie!
Aren't the Pro Compression hats we got the night before AMAZING?!
And obviously I had to pair it with my PC shirt and some bangin' tights!

Yup... We ran!

Pavement Runner had a giveaway on his blog a few weeks back for a REMOTE RUNNER entry to the 4th Annual 408K Race To The Row. Who doesn't love entering giveaways with the hopes of winning the big prize?! LOW AND BEHOLD, I WON!


The race itself was occurring in San Jose and since we were in Phoenix that was NOT a possibility, but with the REMOTE RUNNER option you could technically do the race ANYWHERE! Once I won the entry, Pavey and I decided we would try and get a crew together so we could all run it together Sunday morning. There ended up being four of us that registered for the race (Shane, Kaella, Brian and I) and then I drug hubby along for the morning run as well.

Seeing as it was Shane's hometown, we let him pick where to run. He decided on the Tempe Center for the Arts, since it was centrally located and a lovely area. Brian had a flight to catch around 11am, so we met up at 6:30am to get our just under 5 miles in.

Everyone's legs were a little slow to get moving, seeing as we had run a race the day prior (Shane, Brian and myself ran the full, Kaella ran the half, and well, Ryan spectated ;)), but the scenery was stunning. The sun was coming up and we were treated some beautiful colors in the sky while we leisurely ran around the man made river.

Beard brothers ;)

If you say so!

Although it was technically deemed a "race" I would say it was more of a shake out run (or maybe even a shuffle). We took selfies (DUH), stopped for a potty break, grabbed photos along the way, and just enjoyed the company while we got our legs moving a bit.

Brian trying to blend in with his surroundings... I think his
#TwoPairDontCare sort of gave him away though...

Hubby and I

I asked Brian if he could do a BURST shot to make sure he got our jump (since we probably only had energy for ONE), he said no because he was really good at them... Apparently he is! We just jumped so fast we were a bit blurry ;)
Photo taken by Brian

While Ryan was using the potty, we got our picture taking on!
Photo taken by Brian

Photo taken by Kaella

Pavey Selfie
Photo taken by Brian

You KNOW we all had to #KeepItTight after the weekend of activities, right?!
Photo taken by Brian

Unfortunately our official race shirts didn't make it to Phoenix in time, but the bling sure did! And the medal even doubles as a bottle opener, how awesome is that?!

The crazy crew that got up to run an 8K the morning after a race ;)

The scenery was beautiful, but the company was even better!

Kaella is such a sweetheart! From the frozen tundra that is Alberta, Canada, she is looking to run her first full marathon this year!!

What can I say?! RUNGRY is real ;) And the medals tasted like chicken!

Um, Shane, is this right?! Did we really take a picture together without a shaka?! 

I have participated in a few virtual races in the past (which I think are super helpful with keeping you motivated during your training schedules), but this was extra cool because it actually linked up with a physical race that we just happened to be unable to attend. I am sure the race itself is amazing (I have heard some great things about the mariachi mile and the crowd support), but it was sweet we could do it while we were out of town (not to mention the fact that I WON the entry - thanks again Pavement Runner and Represent Running!).

After our run, Ryan and I made our way back to the hotel to shower and start the drive home. The sky was threatening rain (and it ended up starting about an hour into our drive), but we were still able to stop at Cabazon Dinosaurs on the way home (you know, where Large Marge sends Pee Wee...)


Have you ever run a REMOTE RUNNER option for a race?


  1. HAHAHA that jumping photo is hilarious!

    Also, I didn't get the memo on the hand sign we were doing, whoops!

    Thanks for the kind words. It was SOOO great to meet you!!! I'm leaning towards doing the NYC Marathon (and fundraising) but I hope to see you at another race soon (Las Vegas, in November, for sure right?!)

    Also, feel free to come freeze your butt off with me anytime ;)

  2. Wish I could have joined you for that race! After a half I could run the 5 miles no problem. After a full, I'm not too sure.
