Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Regal Carlsbad 12 Cinemas

While Ryan was walking Walt yesterday morning, he heard two of our neighbors talking about the new theater having THREE DOLLAR MOVIES! He didn't know any of the details (I guess that is what happens when you are eavesdropping while walking a doggie), but gave me enough to Google (when in doubt, Google it up!).

I came across an article that said:


So, $3 movies AND it goes towards our local food bank?! SIGN US UP!

The three day preview was Sunday (which we already missed), Monday, and Tuesday (which we will have Ryan's work holiday party) - so Monday it was! Now obviously the movies aren't super new, but there were still quite a few we enjoyed or wanted to see.


We had a Buy 1 Get 1 Free burrito at Chipotle (thanks to our Oceanside Turkey Trot bibs), so we grabbed some food once Ryan got home from work and then made our way over to the snazzy new theater.

Veggie salad - YUM!

Not only were the movie tickets $3 each, but the popcorn and soft drinks were $3 each too. Ryan and I gave up soda (well, he has been sipping the sweet nectar recently, but is trying to cut it out), but we decided a $3 popcorn to help benefit the local charities was worth it ;)

Brand new and SNAZZY!

We went the "kiosk" route. Just like for a flight,
you get to pick your exact seats on a theater map
(but we were running late so got "stuck" with the
last two seats in the theater :) )

The chairs recline (all automated), the foot rest comes up,
there is a tray table and cup holder that swivels....

Ryan didn't get home to grab me until close to 6:15pm, which meant we were rushing to get to the movie at 6:55pm (after scarfing down our dinner). We didn't realize, but the seats at the new movie theater are RESERVED! Meaning you have to select the exact seat(s) you want. This is great for not having to search through the theater or splitting up your party, but not so great when the last two seats are the ones in the front corner...

Ryan's face when he realized we were in the FRONT row!

Lay back and RELAX!

After the movie we tested out a few other seats and I would say anything BEHIND the first row or two are AMAZING. We still had a GREAT TIME, there were just some funny features of being soooooo close (like some of the faces were a bit warped because we were viewing from the corner of the front row :) ).

Plush seating!

Oh yeah, by the way, we saw Maleficent since we hadn't seen it before (although Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 was a close runner up - especially since I have been told I remind people of the weather girl :) ). I was actually expecting it to be a little scarier (I am a scary movie WIMP), but we both really liked it!! FOUR THUMBS UP FROM US!

And on the way out we saw that there was a "photo booth". YOU KNOW I CAN'T PASS UP A GOOD PHOTO OP! With all the props, somehow I ended up as a movie directing elf?!

Ryan and I were both THRILLED with the new theater! We will DEFINITELY be back! I am beyond stoked that they gave back the proceeds from these three days of PREVIEW to local San Diego charities - WAY TO GO REGAL!

[Honestly, Ryan and I were both saying if we didn't have his work Christmas party tonight we would have gone back again tonight... which means if you are around the Carlsbad area today we would HIGHLY recommend picking up a couple of the $3 tickets, a bag of $3 popcorn and catching a flick or THREE.]

Another great thing? You can buy tickets for future dates on the kiosks! I think if we were planning on seeing a movie on the weekend, we would probably swing by the mall earlier in the week, save our seats and buy our tickets ahead of time.

Do you like going to the movies? What was the last movie you saw in the theater? 

1 comment:

  1. That movie experience is insanity. And amazingness. Alex and I don't get much chance to go to the movies with his schedule, so we pretty much go on special occasions. And smuggle in airplane bottles for our fountain Coke Zero. Because, you know balance and all that.
