Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorites: Sparkly Soul Inc

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was asked to be a Sparkly Soul Ambassador (I am still sort of in shock that an amazing company like that would select lil' ol' me to help spread the word about their awesome products).

Just a SMALL number of pictures with me sporting my Sparkly Soul headbands

One of the perks of being an ambassador is I am able to do GIVEAWAYS of some of their headbands. Isn't that like PERFECT for a Friday Favorite?! I'll help you answer that one, "Uh... YEAH!"

A little about Sparkly Soul and their exceptional Headbands:


If you've tried them, I'm sure you love them. If you haven't, HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!! The lovely ladies at Sparkly Soul have offered up TWO of their headbands for a giveaway. That means we will have TWO lucky winners who can select the Sparkly Soul headband of their choice! {My favorites are the wide headbands, but I know some ladies are partial to the thin ones.}

PS Even the men can enter to win too! I mean, who wouldn't be STOKED if their guy won them a Sparkly Soul Headband?! Swoon... The way to a woman's heart ;) {I am easily pleased} (Or if you are a "long hair don't care" kind o' guy, you could keep it yourself...)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will run through July 17th at 11:59pm PST (we have to have winners before next week's Friday Favorites, right?!). I will contact the winners via email so they can claim their BANGIN' prize ;) Remember, enter early and enter often (some of the options allow for daily entries). BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE!!


  1. I'm a Sparkly Soul girl myself! They don't slip, plus I can get them to match all my outfits! ;-)

  2. These are really cool headbands! I love how sparkly they are :)

  3. I have short hair so headbands area a must!

  4. I run in Bondiband headbands and lately with the summer I love hats or visors!

  5. I wear headbands usually either Sweaty Bands or Sparkly Soul. But on sunny days I do wear a hat.

  6. A headband is a must for me! Can't run without one!

  7. i love headbands, but haven't been able to find one that doesn't stretch out after too many uses on my big head. i have wanted a sparkly soul headband for awhile now, i just haven't gotten around to ordering one!

  8. Usually headbands, unless it's super sunny or raining, then it's my visor!

  9. Headbands are a must especially with the heat! Love these!

  10. Stacey NiedzwieckiJuly 11, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    I wear headbands of many varieties unless it's really hot or raining, then I sport my trusty running hat from our local baseball team

  11. Love Sparkly Soul headbands!!! I wear one everyday!!

  12. I do the double sparkle! I wear Sparkly Soul headbands with my Sparkle Athletic Visor. Makes for an awesome run!

  13. I have never tried Sparkly Soul, but love headbands so would love to try them out.

  14. I usually wear a ponytail and hairspray to try to deal with FlyAway's. Would love to try a sparklysoul band

  15. I already wear Sparkly Soul headbands and I'm hooked! I also may have gotten my sister hooked on them, too :)

  16. I have one Sweaty Band that I wear during races and a few headband from TJ Maxx that I wear during training runs, other workouts, etc. I also wear a visor during my runs since moving to South Florida... gotta protect myself somehow!

  17. Depends on the weather for me. If its sunny,I like to wear a hat. Otherwise,I enjoy wearing headband.

  18. I haven't found a headband that fits and stays on my little head. I find it easier to secure the hair with barettes. I've been dying to try Sparkly Soul! Thanks!

  19. I'm usually a visor person, my eyes are super sensitive to the sunlight so I do whatever I can to block out the sun! I always want to try headbands, but they ALWAYS give me headaches...which is why I've always been tempted to try these!

  20. I always go for the headband. LOVE the blue sparkly!

  21. I love headbands! I like BondiBand during the winter and I have one Sparkly Soul that I love now in summer!

  22. I love headbands & visors!!! The Sparkly Soul ones are my favorite :)

  23. Oooh I
    Don't think you can ever have enough headbands for runs or workouts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I use headbands I got from target-but it's been so hot lately that I have had to run in hats

  25. Best. Headbands. Ever. I LOVE SparklySoul!

  26. I love sparkly headband and I don't have a brand preference.

  27. Ooh! I love these. :)

  28. My husband got me my first sparkly soul headband while i trained for my first half _ princess half 2014! Now I've completed 2 and I'm signed up for a half in the fall and the princess half 2015

  29. I wear headbands when I run & go to the gym.

  30. I love headbands. Once in a while I wear a hat if it's raining.

  31. I love headbands - lululemon and sparkly soul!

    jfong1130 at yahoo dot com

  32. I love headbands, especially bondi band and under armour. But I'd like to try these too.

  33. Love Sparkly Soul! Once in a while a visor.

  34. I love using headbands. These are so cute and sparkly, I totally want to try these out!

  35. I never wore a headband vefore and would love to try one!

  36. I'm a headband girl, but I usually use whatever I can find!

  37. I am a sparkle headband kind of gal! I haven't tried these yet but they look cool!

  38. Hats are too hot and like to fly off my head when I run but my ponytail stays in the hole! hahaha So, I like to run in headbands! I currently use SweatyBands. This company looks pretty cool though because it is all elastic & who can resist sparkles!

  39. I like headbands or just up in a ponytail

  40. Oooh, I need a dark blue one to go with our new soccer jerseys!

  41. I've never tried them, BUT would love to!!

  42. Bondi bands are usually what I wear

  43. I wear headbands. I'm a Sparkly Soul girl too!

  44. If it's evening or indoors, I like a Sparkly Soul headband, but if it's outdoors, I'm a visor or hat kinda gal (which I wear depends on the temperature).
