Saturday, April 5, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 14

Sunday, March 30th – Travel (rest) Day {flew out of San Diego to Barbados on the red eye Saturday night at 10:30pm PST and got into Barbados at 2:00pm EST on Sunday}

Monday, March 31st –  15 minutes on the stationary bike, 5 minutes on the rowing machine, & 2 mile run {I didn't realize the "gym" had an air conditioner, so 20 minutes was about all I could manage inside the 95* room. AND the streets in Barbados are pretty crazy with fast drivers and no sidewalks, so 2 miles was all I felt safe doing - and even that was iffy.}

Tuesday, April 1st –  5K on Garrison Horse Racetrack, 1 hour snorkel at Folkestone Park Reserve, & 1 minute plank {While Ryan was surfing there was a pony track nearby, so I went up and ran on it. Was planning on doing closer to 8 miles, but I ran out of water around 2.5 miles in and didn't want to push it.}

Wednesday, April 2nd – 45 minutes on the elliptical, 1 hour snorkel in front of the hotel, walked 3 miles (round trip) to lunch, & 1 minute plank {Thankfully by this point Ryan showed me how to turn on the AC, so even though it was still HOT it was a little more manageable}

Thursday, April 3rd – 45 minutes on the stationary bike, 5 minutes on the rowing machine, 1 hour snorkel in front of the hotel, & 1 minute plank {Yup, I didn't pack enough workout gear, so had to wear the same shorts as the day before and one of my bathing suit tops - oops}

Friday, April 4th – Travel (rest) Day {flew out of Barbados to San Diego at 7:00am EST (but had to leave the hotel around 3:45am EST) and got into San Diego around 10:30pm PST - yup almost 24 hours of travel between leaving the hotel and pulling up to our house} & 1 minute plank

Saturday, April 5th – 13.75 mile run2 mile hike with the hubby and the puppy, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

This past week was a little different than most weeks. I was supposed to have two 5 mile runs, an 8 mile run, a cross training day, and a strength training day. On Saturday of last week, when I was supposed to have a rest day, I decided to do my 8 mile run so that I could swap my rest day while I was flying. Obviously I did NOT get in as many MILES as I would have liked, but am very proud of myself that I was so active on vacation.

I could tell my legs were SCREAMING for a foam roller by Tuesday, but unfortunately my snorkel gear took priority in my luggage over my workout recovery gear. They are lovin' (or hating - depending on how you look at it) being home with my Stick, rollers, etc. 

Although this past week was great (more posts to come - OBVIOUSLY), it will be nice to get back into the groove once again. 

How were your workouts this past week? 

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