Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dating ABCs: U

I thought of the BEST U date this past week. There is a U-Pick Strawberry field about 5 miles from the house and I KNEW that not only would we have a great time, but it would be SCRUM-DIDILY-UMPTIOUS as well!!

Growing up in Michigan, we often went to Apple Orchards, but I never remember going anywhere to pick my own strawberries. Yes, climbing trees to get apples is fun (shoot, we even did it for our A Date), but picking these California berries was a grand-ol'-time as well (not to mention we were like a mile from the beach, which wasn't bad scenery either :)).

The Carlsbad Strawberry Company has quite the good thing going on. The little stand in the parking lot sells pre-picked strawberries (there were actually quite a few folks that were just driving up and buying the ones that were already in boxes), flowers, and empty containers.

Ryan being "artsy" with the camera he is borrowing from work. 

We opted for the empty container, seeing as we need to fulfill the "U" portion of our date and pick our own. We got the BIG DADDY bucket (my name for it, not an official title), which was similar size to a extra large popcorn tub that you get at the movies. Then they sent us off. There were a few rules (no hoping the rows, no overflowing your bucket, no pulling the stems, etc), but other than that they just let us roam the hill.

I "accidentally" ate one while we were in the field - and MAN - it was DELISH! {Since bringing them home I sliced them all up and put them in Tupperware in the fridge... I think we have eaten through probably a fourth of them already... YUMMERZ!}

On our way out we asked a lady to take our picture under the U-Pick sign. She cut off a bit of it, but at least she got the "U" in there!

**We will be taking this next week off from our dates because my mom will be in town visiting (and Ryan will be heading out of town for a photo shoot with work). We will be back at it soon though, so don't you worry your pretty little head).**

Just in case you have missed some of the recent Dating ABC Posts, make sure to check them out:

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