Friday, March 21, 2014


This morning I tackled my first 17 mile training run.

My mom is in town from Michigan until Tuesday, so when she saw my training schedule she said she'd ride my bike along with me while I ran. It was great having company - even if she was riding ahead about a half mile and then having to wait for me to catch up :)

The morning started off cool and cloudy, but by about mile 13 the sun was in full-force. It started getting pretty warm, but thankfully I had my Nathan Performance Intensity Race Vest, which kept me hydrated. Just like my 15-miler last week, I took Clif ShotBloks (this time I tried the Cran-Razz flavor - yummy), so took 3 ShotBloks around mile 6 and another 3 around mile 12.

Please excuse the scary face I was making. Maybe I had to push the button really hard?

We finished a little over 17 miles in about 2 hours and 45 minutes. It averaged about 9:30 minute mile pace - although I know the first half (with the clouds) were probably closer to 9:15 minute miles and the last few as the weather started warming up were closer to 10 minute mile pace.

All-in-all I would consider it a very successful training run. I was a little sore from our hike yesterday, but nothing too bad. After today's run I am feeling fine - but of course will need to foam roll it out tonight :)


  1. This is so awesome! I bet it's so encouraging as your mileage goes up and up. How great your mom could come. Good luck in the rest of your training. You are going to rock that marathon!
