Saturday, December 28, 2013

Snow Day!

Yesterday was our last day in Michigan before heading back home. The temperatures were warming up a bit (and by ‘a bit’ I mean it was about 34* out), which meant the snow was turning into great packing snow. You know what that means... Oh wait, some of you from Southern California don’t! IT MEANS SNOWMAN & SNOWBALL WEATHER! We took the nephews out in the front yard for a snow-filled afternoon. 

The snowman turned out to be pretty tall and slender :) 

The boys

Aaron and Eric

I didn't have much to do with the building - I was the photographer ;)

The snowman even got a snow ‘friend’ {Eric thought it looked like a cow, I thought it was a bunny, and when Ryan built it he was going for a dog}.

We added a hat ;)

And like I mentioned, the packing snow is GREAT for snowball fights! 

Eric threw a BIG ONE at Aaron and I caught it a moment before it hit :)

Looks like Ryan hit Matthew IN THE FACE, but I assure you it didn't happen like that ;)

Ryan being "LeBron"

Eric was showing us how he used to throw shot-put and discus

Reindeer Ryan and Elk Eric took turns pulling the boys around the yard. {We figured with the warming temps it would probably slow down sleds on the hills though, so we didn’t venture out to the big sledding hills.}


Then we tried to get Matthew to do some work... It didn't last very long!

Eric tried to make a snow angel, but had a little monkey that ended up jumping on him in the process.

Uncle Ryan helped the boys out by building a hill for them to jump (and push one another) off of.

Love the hat in this shot!

Joey looks like he enjoyed being thrown down the hill...

Boys will be boys!

Uncle Ryan was playing NON-STOP!

We even shot off the stomp rockets that we got the boys for Christmas. The rockets were sort of hard to find in the snow {they are white because they glow in the dark, but tend to camouflage in the snow}, so it didn’t last long.

Ryan thought it looked like we both had red beards... 

The tiger was in the forest?

And before going in we needed to cool off from all of the activities.

Snow is fun (EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE)! 


  1. Looks like it was a day of fun for kids of all ages!

  2. Looks like a blast...all we got today is rain. :-)
