Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Workout Recap - Week 31

[Better late than never, right?! Still getting into the swing of things after being gone for a week, but I am finally catching up]

Sunday, July 28th – 3.1 miles (hills and elevation) with the hubby

There are GIANT athletes around the camp because it is where the Wildflower Triathlon is held - this swimmer photo-bombed our picture!

Monday, July 29th – 5.5 miles (hills and elevation), tubing

Tuesday, July 30th – 4.5 miles (hills and elevation) - plus running a steep boat launch and a few minutes of stairs

Wednesday, July 31st – 3.2 miles (hills and elevation) with the hubby

Thursday, August 1st –  Rest day, tubing

Friday, August 2nd – 3.5 miles (hills and elevation) with the hubby

[My Garmin ran out of battery shortly after this run, so I wasn't able to get a photo of our time]

Saturday, August 3rd – Rest day (travel day)

Not too bad for being away from home and my normal routine, getting very little sleep, working from sun up until long after sun down every day, and running in the crazy hills and high elevation. 

Ryan and I volunteered with the North Coast Church Fuel 9/10 High School camp this past week. We were up at Lake San Antonio (in Central Coast California) from Saturday to Saturday. We were there as "photographers" - which meant we were on boats taking pictures of students of tubes, wake boards, wake skates, wake surf boards, etc from about 10am until about 5:30pm every day when the students were there. Before the kids got there we were helping set up the camp (putting up tents, terracing the hillside, staging the teaching area, etc) and making sure everything was able to run as smoothly as possible. 

The last few mornings we were there I decided to opt out of my morning run (I was getting up around 6am to get my runs in before the campers got up and before the heat set in) because I went out on boat runs to photograph the staffers. Thankfully I was able to talk Ryan into an evening run on Friday once we finished our slideshow so still got in 5 workouts while we were there. 

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