Friday, August 17, 2012

One Community - Jedidiah

” A few weeks back I got an email from someone I had never met before. She shared with me a story about how her family had come to know our brand and how Jedidiah was special to her. The story came out of a family tragedy, you see her brother and his wife lost their yet to be born baby son last year. The baby passed just one week before the scheduled due date, the babies name was Jedidiah. Since then, the family has spent time on our site, bought some clothes and has followed the things we do as a company to help those less fortunate. They have become fans and through their connection to our company they somehow find some level of comfort with their loss. The email asked if I would consider doing a shirt that somehow could be special to their family.
Even though the request was unusual, I could not help but be touched by their email. Our focus as a company is to help others through our apparel. We do this by partnering with nonprofits who do amazing work in the world. But I had to ask myself, why can’t we try and help Sarah and her family. Her brother and his wife have had some very difficult months following the death of Jedidiah. So we created this design and are offering it on the Jedidiah ecommerce store in support of their family.
The guys tee and the girls tank will be sold for 20.00………with each sale 10.00 will be donated to Sarah and her family. We hope you like the design, we hope you can feel compelled to purchase something and together we can make a difference in their lives. I am grateful Sarah had the courage to share her story and I am humbled that we can be part of their healing in this way” – Kevin Murray // Jedidiah Clothing
Click HERE to visit the Jedidiah store at Made For Good.

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