Thursday, May 8, 2008

Resolve Uganda

Dear Invisible Children supporters,

Yesterday, more than 30 humanitarian, faith-based and advocacy organizations from around the world united in a statement of support for efforts to salvage northern Uganda’s peace process and to declare that there is still hope for peace in Uganda.

And today, I’m asking you to add your name to that impressive list .

Local leaders from northern Uganda, who have worked tirelessly to achieve peace for their people, will be trekking back into the jungle this weekend, perhaps for the last time, to meet with LRA leader Joseph Kony. They’ll be trying to convince him to sign onto the final peace agreement that would formally end Uganda’s 22-year war.

Their courageous perseverance is inspiring, and we want them to know that we stand in solidarity with them during this crucial time. Even if Kony ultimately does not sign, their efforts are key to ensuring that the progress achieved already in these negotiations isn’t reversed.

Click here to add your name to this petition and use your voice for peace.

We’ve set an ambitious goal: 10,000 signatures by the time the meeting takes place on Saturday, and we need you to act now to help us reach it.

Not only will you be sending a message to the people of northern Uganda, you will be sending a message to your leaders that this process deserves our patience and persistence. We will be hand delivering this statement to every U.S. Senate office, requesting their assistance in helping to ensure a safe and peaceful future for the people of northern Uganda and the wider region.

Will your name be on it?

10,000 signatures in less than two days. It’s the most ambitious goal we’ve set since this campaign for peace began, but we believe there could not be a more important time to act.

Rather than sit by and give in to growing international cynicism, we can stand with the people of northern Uganda and lend our support, our voices, our names to peace.

Will you join us?

By signing the petition to support the peace process in northern Uganda, you can help increase the odds that these negotiations will be allowed to run their course and that the people of northern Uganda will see a long overdue end to this 22-year war. You can help advance this mission even further by asking your friends and family to join you. We have less than 48 hours before the leaders from northern Uganda go to meet Joseph Kony, and we want to make sure they know they have our support before this meeting takes place. Will you take just a minute and pass this petition on?

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