Thursday, March 20, 2008

Boondock Saints TWO


Troy Duffy has a big announcement for St. Patrick’s Day: Boondock Saints 2 might be happening after all. According to Duffy, Sony Picture Studios has greenlit The Boondock Saints: All Saints Day, and the original cast (with the exception of Willem Dafoe) are excited to return. Duffy claims that the film will begin shooting Summer 2008. He made the announcement in a video posted on his YouTube account earlier today (thanks to /Film reader IronMonger for sending this in).

Many believed the original screenplay was on par with Quentin Tarantino’s early work, the finished film - not as much (again, see Overnight). Despite poor reviews and non-existent box office (Mojo lists a domestic total of $30,471), The Boondock Saints quickly became a cult classic among film fanatics.

Check out the rest of the article here.

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