Thursday, December 13, 2007

Count Down!

Today is 1 week until I fly back to Michigan!! WHOO HOO!!! I get to hang out with my family, see the puppies, go to a Pistons game, see the Lights before Christmas at the zoo, and so much more (including but not limited to enjoying lots of Diet Sodas, getting small quantities of sleep and smiling A LOT). My flight, unless United changes it again, is one week from today (plus about 8 hours). I hope everyone else is as excited about the holiday season as I am!! If you aren't, THE BEST WAY TO SPREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER IS SINGING LOUD FOR ALL TO HEAR... So sing some Christmas carols and drink some Egg Nog and SMILE!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carlee,
    If you get a chance - give me a call when your home! We can do lunch or something :-) If your busy, that's okay too - but if you have time, lets hook up :-)
    If I don't see you - MERRY CHRISTMAS :-)
    Take care Carlee and have a safe trip home to the cold cold weather :-)
