Friday, October 12, 2007

New Blog

Hey blogging friends. I wanted to link you to a new blog I am starting. I have entitled it "LensLife" and it will be a daily photo of my life. I love photography and I thought this would be a great experiment to try out. I explain the story at the site, but I am actually quite excited to start it. I have linked it on the side of this blog. I will start with the project today (and then start posting them on Monday).

The premises is I will take a photo a day and post it, to show my life through a camera lens. Of course, most days I will take more than one photo, but on this site I will be putting my favorite shot of the day. Check it out if you get a chance. I would love feedback!!


  1. I LOVE THIS IDEA!! COOL!! I may just have to steal it when I get low on blogging ideas :-)
    Can't wait to see your life through the camera!!
    Good luck and have fun with it :-)
    Adios Amiga

  2. wow...go to the u.p. for one weekend and the world turns upside down!!! hehehe :) good for you...this will be a hoot!!!!!
